Sunday, October 19, 2014

If You're Going to Fail, Fail Forward

We will experience things that we or others will label as a failure. There have been circumstances where we put forth our best effort, but the outcome was not what we projected or expected. This can leave us in a state of confusion, frustration, and shame. We begin the blame game and the mantra of what we coulda, shoulda, woulda have done to make it happen the way we wanted. The truth is, the perceived failure had a purpose. It came to reach, teach, and change us from the inside out. The situation that has caused so much turmoil within us must be embraced and not rejected.  We are to review the process with the guidance and insight of the Holy Spirit. We allow the Spirit to reveal what was behind the surface and what to do next. Most importantly, we learn our challenges can transition us to a better version of ourselves, we can step out in faith into a new path, and we can allow the situation to show us who we really are at the core. What was our motivation? Why did we make the choices we made? and What's next now that we have insight and wisdom?  When we learn to accept our challenges and allow them to teach and grow us we see what we perceived as  "Failure" was actually a gift and blessing from God. #Coreworkulm #ulmuhammad #manifest2016

Peace and Blessings- U. L. Muhammad

Thursday, June 12, 2014

While You're Trying to Figure it Out, God Has Already Worked It Out!

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21
Two of the questions that stress people out the most is  "why" and "what's next". We are trying to figure out "why" something happened or "what's next" for us to do. We can spend days, weeks, months, and years pondering these two questions which can lead to many problems in our lives. They can lead to high blood pressure, immune system disorders, shingles, diabetes, depression, and anxiety. Our intellect assures us that God knows the answer, but we can't stop the crazy, confusing thoughts from whirling around in our heads.
There is a solution to this dilemma.
Here are some ways you can find peace and figure out what God wants you to know in this season:
1.) Know who God is- If we don't know who God is or how God works, its hard for us to trust in him. We learn God by reading his word, the Bible. We learn what the scriptures tell us about God and his promises for us. Deuteronomy 31:8 tells us- The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” But, if we don't know God's word we can't hold onto precious scriptures that can help in our time of need.
2.) Incorporate daily spiritual practices- Learning the discipline of incorporating daily spiritual practices is essential in our lives. Just like we have schedules for other things we do, we have to schedule our time with God. Spiritual practices is time that's set apart for reading and meditating on scripture, praise/ worship, prayer and meditation. Having these spiritual practices as part of our lives during challenging times gives us have a place of safety and refuge. What would normally have us in a state of confusion and panic, we will handle with wisdom, peace, and confidence.
3.) Get it out of you- Whatever our questions or frustrations, we need to get them out of our head and deal with them. Releasing the issue by writing in a journal, telling a wise friend or accountability partner, or going to therapy can help us see things from a different perspective. The giants in our lives can decrease in size and we realize it's nothing but something small. Writing, talking it out and sealing the situation with prayer leaves you feeling renewed and valued.
4.) Let it be- Sometimes the problem is we are trying to figure something out or are worried about what's going to happen next, when that's not where our focus should be. We can be consumed with what's next or why this or that happened instead of focusing on the solutions or issues God wants for us. There are moments when we need to take a cleansing breath and be with the Spirit of God. This will help us calm down and brings clarity. Learn the art of letting it be until God reveals what's next. Be still and see how naturally things work out for you. Learning to flow with the Spirit of God will ease many loads and lead to peace and prosperity. There are some things we don't need to make happen. 
The ways to figure out what's next and why something has happened is learning who and how to trust God. When we incorporate knowledge, faith, and obedience, we will have everything we need. So, the next time you're wondering what to do follow the steps above. You may find in that moment everything you need to know. And you'll see that a life in God has you knowing not only what's next, but what to do NOW!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

What the Heck is Going On?

“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”  So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” Hebrews 13:5-6
There are times in our lives when we wonder, “What the heck is God doing?” When we have served and dedicated our lives to the work of the Kingdom and all hell breaks loose in our lives. During these times, we have to learn how to get to a place of peace and contentment to make it through the tough times until things get better. This sounds simple, but actually living it out can be very difficult. Especially when everything in our lives looks contrary to the promises of God that we have been holding onto. Well, I’m going to share some things I learned on my journey through the desert places- the place of humbling.

  1. Stay Close to the Father- It can be easy to let your prayer life and devotional time slip due to stress and frustration. But, keep pushing to incorporate and set aside time to be in the presence of God, through praise, worship, devotions and prayer. Don't worry about consistency, just do it when you can. The more you set aside some time, the more consistent you will become.
  2. Be real with your emotions- Trying to stuff your emotions and acting like all is well, when in reality it’s not, will cause a moment in time when all of the emotions you have been trying to control will come to the surface, and watch out! No telling what can happen and who can be your unintended target. Allow yourself  to acknowledge them, be with them for a moment and allow the Holy Spirit to heal them.
  3. Find someone to tell the whole truth to- A lot of times when we’re going through we have what I call our cover story- What we tell to people, but the truth is very different. There has to be at least one person you trust enough to tell the whole truth to. Hopefully this is a person of God and has wisdom. They can help to illuminate some truths that you maybe couldn’t see and help you to navigate through the sea of emotions and issues.
  4. Speak God’s truth continuously over your situation- Speak God’s life giving scripture as affirmations over your life. Stop focusing on worst case scenarios and begin to say and think best case scenarios. Allow the good that can come out of your situation to be your mantra. What I found, was the more I did this, the more great things began to materialize in my life. I began to see the miracles of the everyday and see things from a different perspective.
    We will face challenging situations as long we're on this earth, but it’s how we face them that will determine how bearable they will be. Keep believing in God and have a moment by moment reliance on the Spirit of God. This will increase your dependence and faith in God. Hold on and know this too will pass and you will learn What the heck is going on!?!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Don't Sweat the Small Things

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; (Romans 5:3 NIV)

Life is constantly throwing us mountain top experiences, curve balls, and valley dwelling. These situations can cause great transformation within and without. As we live a life in the Spirit we allow the greatest good to be manifested. I'm not saying everything will end with the happy ending you expected, but through the situation you will become a better you from what the situation was here to teach you. It's all about perspective. When you head in a difficult situation knowing that the result is going to be for your good, it helps you to have a more positive outlook.

The is a miracle waiting for you right now, whether you are on the mountaintop or in the valley. Have faith knowing God is for you and this is only temporary. So, head up and chest out as you walk in confidence knowing God Got You! Don't allow the small things to trip you up, breeze through them with ease and know they are preparing you for the more challenging situations.

Peace and Blessings- U. L. Muhammad

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Today Is Your Day!

Today is your day for a miracle. The miracle is it's the day of your renewal. The day you drop the baggage, excuses, and drama. The day you embrace everything that will make your life great. So, today get still and allow the Holy Spirit to speak the truth of who you are. Not all your faults and shortcomings, but all the things that make you unique and fabulous. Today you aren't going to depend on anyone to make your life work, it's all on you to make the choices to help you realize your dreams.

Peace and Blessings- U. L. Muhammad