Thursday, March 3, 2016

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Goals

We are in the third month of 2016 and some have already set their 2016 goals and others may be in the process or haven't started yet. I wanted to give you 4 mistakes to avoid when setting your goals for this year:

  • Setting Other People's Goals- Make sure you are setting the goals you plan on reaching. You may have family and friends who think you should set certain goals, but remember you are the one doing the work and have to achieve them. Set realistic goals that you desire.
  • Not Reviewing Your Progress- Take the time to review what you have accomplished is a good way to see where you need to go and a great source of encouragement. This is also a good time to review your short term goals and celebrate victories and accomplishments. Update your goals and amend goals that no longer work for you.
  • Setting "Negative" Goals- Negative goals can put you in the wrong mindset for success. Reframe your goals in a positive light and tone to ensure you have the energy, drive, and correct mindset to see them through. 
  • Setting too Many Goals- Use quality not quantity rule when setting goals. Write out your 6 month and then 12 month goals and then narrow them down to 3. Once you have accomplished those, then move down your list to the next set of goals. 
Setting goals is a good way to stay focused and have accountability. Don't shy away from making goals. It's a good way to track your progress and reach your desired results.
Let the planning begin...

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