Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Are We There Yet? VLOG

Have you felt stuck in that in-between place while you wait on your dreams to manifest? When you want to give up or turn back? Then this vlog will encourage you. When on a trip people often wonder when we will reach our desired destinination. And they usually ask- Are We There Yet?
In this Vlog I share some tools that you can use as you're in the holding patterns of life. Be encouraged and know it will happen for you, don't quit and keep moving towards your desired destination.
  1. Find a worthwhile project
  2. Surround yourself with positive, creative people
  3. Keep hope alive
  4. Give thanks for how far you've come

Monday, March 7, 2016

Fail Forward!

We will experience things that we or others will label as a failure. There have been circumstances where we put forth our best effort, but the outcome was not what we projected or expected. This can leave us in a state of confusion, frustration, and shame. We begin the blame game and the mantra of what we coulda, shoulda, woulda have done to make it happen the way we wanted. The truth is, the perceived failure had a purpose. It came to reach, teach, and change us from the inside out. The situation that has caused so much turmoil within us must be embraced and not rejected.  We are to review the process with the guidance and insight of the Holy Spirit. We allow the Spirit to reveal what was behind the surface and what to do next. Most importantly, we learn our challenges can transition us to a better version of ourselves, we can step out in faith into a new path, and we can allow the situation to show us who we really are at the core. What was our motivation? Why did we make the choices we made? and What's next now that we have insight and wisdom?  When we learn to accept our challenges and allow them to teach and grow us we see what we perceived as  "Failure" was actually a gift and blessing from God. #Coreworkulm #ulmuhammad #manifest2016

Peace and Blessings- U. L. Muhammad

Thursday, March 3, 2016

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Goals

We are in the third month of 2016 and some have already set their 2016 goals and others may be in the process or haven't started yet. I wanted to give you 4 mistakes to avoid when setting your goals for this year:

  • Setting Other People's Goals- Make sure you are setting the goals you plan on reaching. You may have family and friends who think you should set certain goals, but remember you are the one doing the work and have to achieve them. Set realistic goals that you desire.
  • Not Reviewing Your Progress- Take the time to review what you have accomplished is a good way to see where you need to go and a great source of encouragement. This is also a good time to review your short term goals and celebrate victories and accomplishments. Update your goals and amend goals that no longer work for you.
  • Setting "Negative" Goals- Negative goals can put you in the wrong mindset for success. Reframe your goals in a positive light and tone to ensure you have the energy, drive, and correct mindset to see them through. 
  • Setting too Many Goals- Use quality not quantity rule when setting goals. Write out your 6 month and then 12 month goals and then narrow them down to 3. Once you have accomplished those, then move down your list to the next set of goals. 
Setting goals is a good way to stay focused and have accountability. Don't shy away from making goals. It's a good way to track your progress and reach your desired results.
Let the planning begin...

Monday, February 29, 2016

Shine Bright Like A Diamond

Life can bring situations that can cause us to shrink and forget who we really are. We can be influenced by the chaos, pain, and tragedies of life thinking they can cause our light to dim or be extinguished. The challenging situations of life takes us through the process of healing, restoration and renewel to be all we were created to be. We must learn the lessons the situation came to teach us and go to our next level of evolution. The truth is, in tough situations our light shines in a differnt way. We shine from a space beyond the pain, we shine from the place that knows the truth, "that all is well and this too shall pass." This light comes from our resilience, courage, long-suffering, tenacity and patience.  Our essence begins to illuminate with greater strength and power as we flow with God and tap into what we didn't know we had within us. We gain more watts from everything that was sent to kill or heal us. We soon find ourselves illuminating love, joy, forgiveness, peace, and contentment for others to gleam from and find their way out of their perceived dark places. For what we think is a dark place, is really the growing, stretching, and molding place with our Creator. We are ushered with care to new insights and heights. But, we must allow this to occur. We must cooperate with the process and not fight against it. We must not run to quick fixes and things that help us forget or cope. We must stand in agreement with God and allow the Holy, Wholly Spirit to direct our paths of perserverance. Keep shining, and know that even when faced with frustration, challenges, pain and tragedy, you are illuminating a light that others can depend on, find comfort in, and learn from. In God there is always light. 
Shine Bright Like a Diamond!

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Puff Daddy has a new song out called, Workin. This song talks about the hustle and working hard for what you want. We have to learn to be focused on what we need to do to make our lives work. We can't allow situations and people to distract us from the goals and plans we have made for ourselves.  This level of work requires discipline, commitment, and strategy. In this first quarter of 2016 make sure you put your personal, professional, and spiritual lives in order. Here's how the requirements can result in massive success for you this year:

Discipline- When you want things to work for you, you have to incorporate discipline into your life. Discipline requires consistency, time management, and follow-through. There are times you have to say "no" to the invitations and movies, there are decisions that you may have to make that others may not have to, discipline requires focus and dedication to your goal. Whether its to your spiritual growth, business, marriage, school, or health discipline is required for achieving your desired goal. Make sure you incorporate discipline in 2016.

Commitment- The plans and goals you have set for 2016 will only be realized with commitment. Commitment is staying with it when things are going great, and when you hit a roadblock, snag, or perceived failure. Commitment looks for an answer when things shift in a downward spiral. It is sometimes working while others are asleep. It is not allowing setbacks to stop you, but they make you change directions.  Fatigue, inconvenience, and finances are not resting places, but an opportunity for creativity and ingenuity to kick in for a unexpected way to be made. Commitment is the fuel for making your dreams a reality. 

Strategy- Every goal and plan has to have a strategy in order to make it happen. There must be step by step tasks that will lead to the end goal. Your strategy keeps you focused and enables you to gauge how far you've come and what's left for to accomplish to reach your goals. A vital part of strategy is vision. There must be a vision first and then the strategy puts feet on it. What is your game plan for 2016? What plan do you have to get out of debt? What strategy do you have in place to write your book? What is your business plan? What do you plan to do to turn your marriage around? Create a strategy and watch everything you do shift in your favor and what seemed impossible, is now your new normal.

This year we have to be determined to see our dreams become reality and our hard work pay off with great dividends. In order for this to happen we need discipline, commitment, and a strategy. When these things are in place you will reap a mighty harvest. So, the next time someone wants to waste your time or have you do something that you don't want  or need to do, just say, "Don't bother me, I'm working"!

Happy New Year, New You

Unitha L. Muhammad