Thursday, April 4, 2013

Big Bank Take Little Bank

Remember as children there was a statement, "Big bank takes little bank". This meant the one with the most money, power, age, etc... was the winner. This concept is still used today, but I would like to introduce a new way of looking at this concept. I think the big bank people are those in right position. People that have a foundation of faith, love, endurance, strength, and peace. These are the things that make them big. When we have these virtues in place we can live a purposeful life. A life that is seizing every moment and flow like the wind with God. Big bank people are those that start families, businesses, friendships, and fun with faith in the center and joy at the heart. It's not about position and money, but preparedness and favor. Big bank people are ready when called to step into action and do it with enthusiasm and love. They forgive quickly, have a positive attitude, and don't let setbacks become prisons. These people live for the moment and make the most of them. Big bank people will succeed because they learn to look inward instead of outward and draw from the divine for everything they need. So, the question to ask is, are you big bank or little bank? Because big bank people win! And the most awesome point of all is , they don't need to take little bank, but they help little bank people become big!

1 comment:

  1. This is so good I had to come back to it and read it again. It is powerful. Acknowledgement of God in us and flowing through us is what makes us Big Bank people. We help each other discover the bank and release the funds. I love this so much. May we all be Big Bank People.


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Peace & Blessings- U.L.Muhammad
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