Friday, March 15, 2013


    Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Isaiah 26:3

There is a flow and energy that is required for us to live our best lives. It's to be one with the creator of everything. I call it divine synchronicity.This synchronicity comes when we are surrendered to his will for our lives. Surrendering is trusting that God knows what's best, and knowing it will work out for our good. Secondly, surrendering is believing he created the universe and everything in it belongs to him. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is love. If I am living a surrendered life, then all I need will come to me. But, when I fight and rebel against God's plan for my life, I sabotage and delay everything that is trying and waiting to get to me. So, today I make the choice to be in sync with God. I choose to live in his divine flow and to embrace whatever process I am in at this moment. As we live in synchronicity with God we will experience peace, miracles, and blessings in every moment. 

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Thank you for commenting on my blog.May you live in abundance and experience the Overflow always!
Peace & Blessings- U.L.Muhammad
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