Monday, February 29, 2016

Shine Bright Like A Diamond

Life can bring situations that can cause us to shrink and forget who we really are. We can be influenced by the chaos, pain, and tragedies of life thinking they can cause our light to dim or be extinguished. The challenging situations of life takes us through the process of healing, restoration and renewel to be all we were created to be. We must learn the lessons the situation came to teach us and go to our next level of evolution. The truth is, in tough situations our light shines in a differnt way. We shine from a space beyond the pain, we shine from the place that knows the truth, "that all is well and this too shall pass." This light comes from our resilience, courage, long-suffering, tenacity and patience.  Our essence begins to illuminate with greater strength and power as we flow with God and tap into what we didn't know we had within us. We gain more watts from everything that was sent to kill or heal us. We soon find ourselves illuminating love, joy, forgiveness, peace, and contentment for others to gleam from and find their way out of their perceived dark places. For what we think is a dark place, is really the growing, stretching, and molding place with our Creator. We are ushered with care to new insights and heights. But, we must allow this to occur. We must cooperate with the process and not fight against it. We must not run to quick fixes and things that help us forget or cope. We must stand in agreement with God and allow the Holy, Wholly Spirit to direct our paths of perserverance. Keep shining, and know that even when faced with frustration, challenges, pain and tragedy, you are illuminating a light that others can depend on, find comfort in, and learn from. In God there is always light. 
Shine Bright Like a Diamond!