There are times in our lives when we look for validation from others. This can happen in business, relationships, spiritual and social communities. It can be someone seeing how well you executed a project, someone confirming your calling/ purpose, being recognized for the deserved promotion, or a partner, friend, or family member seeing the sacrifices and attempts you've made for them. Whatever the situation, it's usually from those we admire and respect, and we can sometimes be met with rejection, betrayal, jealousy, and hurt. This can lead to feelings of anger, pain, loss of direction, confusion, and bitterness.
The key is to go inward. Why? Because the one we can change must be dealt with first, ourselves. And through the process of dealing with your emotions and getting healing you discover what's the core issue. As you start this process honor that person by not speaking ill of them. Process first, talk later, if necessary. Discretion is always wise.
First, your validation comes from God. People are just the confirmation. Learn to build a positive self image. Meditate on the Word of God allowing the words to bring life to the dry places within you. Pray and ask God to let you see yourself as you really are. In this process you may discover you need healing and may need professional counseling to assist in going deeper. Seek wise/ Godly counsel about the situation to get clarity. And then begin making changes that will lead to the life you desire.
As you go inward and deal with you, the actions and attitudes of others become illuminated by truth. What might be revealed is they are going through a personal issue, they may be intimidated by you, or they really care and support you and you misread them. Whatever you discover, see it through the lens of grace, mercy, and love. Sometimes what you may discover is they were not who you were supposed to be partnered with. Embrace the truth, and realize there's someone out there that will support, confirm, guide, and love you the way you need to be.
But most of all, there will be a day when someone will come to you seeking validation, hope, guidance and love, and you will remember what you experienced and you will allow Spirit to guide you on what your role should be in their lives, if any.
Do you need people to see you? Sometimes, but how do you see yourself? God sees and is leading you to those who will water what was planted through The Holy Spirit. Every relationship has to be filtered through the Spirit of God. It will lead to divine encounters with less stress, drama, and hurt. Go in wisdom and hope...
Peace and Blessings- U. L. Muhammad