Friday, March 22, 2013

It's Show Time!

As there are seasons on the earth: winter, spring summer, and fall, there are also seasons in our lives when things shift and manifest. I believe we are in a major shift right now. This Springtime shift is a call to action. We must evaluate where we are, what we want to be doing, and what it will take to get there. This is a time of implementation. Pull out those plans, revisit your New Year's goals and resolutions and start checking off your lists. Take a look at what's outstanding and make a plan to work those projects. During this time focus is important and faith is essential. In this season courage and confidence must be the fuel that keeps you pushing forward no matter what. Now is not the time to doubt, fear, worry, and procrastinate. Everything you have experienced and acquired thus far in your life is ready to be activated to help you achieve your aspirations. Just like an entertainer, athlete, or public figure, on event day you use what you have studied, researched and experienced. Use your anxiety as adrenaline to help you endure on the hard days. Act now and watch as everything you need shifts with you and comes to your aid. Don't worry about money, people, resources, or locations. As you put in the work that is required watch as your movement towards purpose will cause miracles, favor and blessings to overtake you. So wondering what time it is? It's SHOW TIME! Work today and watch as your harvest begins to manifest tomorrow. 

Friday, March 15, 2013


    Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Isaiah 26:3

There is a flow and energy that is required for us to live our best lives. It's to be one with the creator of everything. I call it divine synchronicity.This synchronicity comes when we are surrendered to his will for our lives. Surrendering is trusting that God knows what's best, and knowing it will work out for our good. Secondly, surrendering is believing he created the universe and everything in it belongs to him. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is love. If I am living a surrendered life, then all I need will come to me. But, when I fight and rebel against God's plan for my life, I sabotage and delay everything that is trying and waiting to get to me. So, today I make the choice to be in sync with God. I choose to live in his divine flow and to embrace whatever process I am in at this moment. As we live in synchronicity with God we will experience peace, miracles, and blessings in every moment. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

I'm Different, Yeah I'm Different!

In society there is a constant need for perfection. This perfection is usually driven by outside influences, values, and trends. Some look to TV, news, and the internet to see what needs to be obtained and sustained in order to reach a place of bliss and order. This perfection requires a constant striving, working, comparing, and worry. It's always looking to make sure that everything is in place, and that there is an image of fulfillment. But, Godly perfection, is very different and causes people to be different. It has you standing in your personal authenticity with confidence and boldness. The biblical translation of perfect/perfection is- complete, prepared, mended, restored, consecrated, and repaired. This kind of perfection starts on the inside and radiates outward. This perfection can only be accomplished through looking and healing what's inside of us. There is nothing about status, accomplishments, possessions, or being a part of the "it" group. It is a place that can only be recognized and lived out through relationship and communication with God. When we come to God in the stillness of prayer and meditation there is light, love, peace, and acceptance. And when we leave that space, we are light, love, peace, and acceptance. And the truth that radiates throughout our body and the knowing in our hearts and spirits is that I am enough. And then we begin to approach ourselves, life, and others in that place of love. This demeanor is what restores, heals, and prepares us for what we will face in life. I won't do what everyone else is doing, I won't be looking outward to find fulfillment, but I will get all that I need from the source of everything that is. Perfect love casts out fear. So, in His love I am loved, I am who He says I am and I will be and do what He commands me to do. There is freedom and joy in being able to declare, "I'm different, yeah I'm different!"